Join Circle of Friends for a potluck dinner on November 17 from 6:30-8PM at Hickory Flat Church. We will be enjoying dinner together and watching A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.
There is no cost for the party. We are asking that each attendee bring a food item listed below that will serve 15 people on a disposable dish, ready to eat. Please sign up here.
Girls -Last name begins with A-L: Hot or Cold Appetizer or Finger food
Girls - Last Name begins with M-Z: Dessert Sweet
Boys - Last Name begins with A-L: Hot or Cold side dish
Boys - Last Name begins with M-Z: Options to accompany meal such as fruit, veggie tray dips, muffins or rolls.
COF will be supplying Chicken Nuggets and beverages.
Attendees may be dropped off as long as they don't require extra care. COF does not have the staff to provide one on one support. If your child needs extra help please plan on staying at the party.