Social Engagement

Circle of Friends provides opportunities for young adults who have an intellectual and developmental disability (IDD) to build healthy relationships with others in the community.

To participate, the individual must be 18+.

Social Activities

  • Since our social activities originated in 2019, we have had a monthly activity typically on the Third Thursday of every month.

    Some of our previous activities have included movie nights, indoor and outdoor game nights, holiday parties, woodworking, bowling outings, and volunteer opportunities.

  • Check our our events calendar and Facebook page to keep up to date on what’s happening in our Circle!

  • For our friends with an IDD that are seeking friendship and community, join us! Participants must be 18+ and a high school graduate.

    Interested in volunteering at some of our social events? Get involved! Fill out our volunteer form here.

All social events can be found in the calendar section on our website and on our Facebook page.

Want to connect with other people in our Circle? Join our “Circle of Friends: Let’s Get Social” Facebook group.

Garden Club

We've been planting, growing, harvesting, and even pickling our veggies; making some awesome bird feeders from pinecones, peanut butter, and bird seed to keep around the garden; and tie-dying t-shirts with natural dyes made from things in our garden!

The Garden Club will begin again in April 2024. Stay tuned for more updates!

Cooking Class

This program is designed as a 6-week course that encourages hands-on training in learning new or unfamiliar cooking methods and provides greater confidence and independence in the kitchen.

In this session, we will be focusing on creating healthy snacks and light lunches.

Join us as we create "lunch of a stick," grab-and-go granola bars, pinwheel sandwiches, cupcake quiche, our own salad dressings, healthy smoothies, and homemade trail mix!

Another amazing cookbook will be provided for this session.

We will also be working with guest chef, Chef Elisabetto Crivellaro, who will join us to lead a pizza making class and a "paint your dessert" activity.

Sign-ups are limited to the first 10 participants.

Let's Get Social

Let's Get Social

Join our private Facebook Group, “Circle of Friends: Let’s Get Social!” for updates on upcoming events and opportunities to connect with other people in our Circle!

Please answer all membership questions when requesting to join the group!

Financial Assistance

Any Circle of Friends participant who is having financial difficulty and would like to participate in our activities may be eligible for scholarships through our generous donors. Please contact for more information.

Our Friends Need Our Help

Partnering with Circle of Friends through your financial contributions or your time supports and sustains a meaningful community for young adults that have intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).